I am currently pursuing a JD from Harvard Law School (Class of 2024). I previously earned a Master's degree in Computer Science from Princeton University (Class of 2021), and my undergraduate degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin (Class of 2020) as a Turing Scholar. Before that, I attended Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (Class of 2016).
At Princeton, I conducted technology policy research under Professor Jonathan Mayer as part of the Center for Information Technology Policy. At UT, I conducted program synthesis research under Professor Işıl Dillig as part of the UToPiA research group.
I reading. Check out my recent reading lists: (At Least) 12 Books in 12 Months - 2017, (At Least) 12 Books in 12 Months - 2018, (At Least) 12 Books in 12 Months - 2019, (At Least) 12 Books in 12 Months - 2020, (At Least) 12 Books in 12 Months - 2021, (At Least) 12 Books in 12 Months - 2022, and (At Least) 12 Books in 12 Months - 2023.
My pronouns are he/him/his. You can find me on my blog, Github, and Twitter. You can also email me.
The Case for Defunding the Police After the Jan. 6 Coup Attempt
Rushi Shah
The Daily Princetonian.
Synthesizing Database Applications for Schema Refactoring
Yuepeng Wang, Rushi Shah, Abby Criswell, Rong Pan, Isil Dillig
Very Large DataBases (VLDB) 2020.
Texas Felon Disenfranchisement Enables Institutional Racism
Rushi Shah
The Daily Texan.
Synthesizing Database Applications for Schema Refactoring
Yuepeng Wang, James Dong, Rushi Shah, Isil Dillig
Programming Languages Design & Implementation (PLDI) 2019.
I served as a teaching assistant for 60 UT Austin Master's and Ph.D. students in Professor Isil Dillig's CS389L: Graduate Automated Logical Reasoning class during the Spring of 2019. I graded their weekly proof-based homeworks, helped grade their midterm exam and their final exam, and held well-attended weekly office hours.
I interned at Amazon in their Tokyo, Japan office during the summer after my sophomore year of college. I worked on machine vision algorithms to track real-time, location-based purchase trends in order data
I interned at Originate in their Manhattan, NYC office during the summer after my freshman year of college. Originate is a mid-sized software consulting company. I mainly did distributed computing work for data center workload analysis with Scala + Spark + Cassandra.
I interned at the MITRE Corporation in the Federal Aviation Administration Department during the summer before junior year and the summer before senior year of high school. My natural language processing research improved the Closed Runway Operations Prevention Device (CROPD) which helps air traffic controllers prevent plane crashes.
I interned at nclud, a Washington DC based web design firm, during Spring Break of my junior year of high-school. My work was primarily in JavaScript, including the Meteor framework and ThreeJS animations (shown above).